
Dani & Rachelle
30, Trans woman, She/Herfrom Ohio, lives in Astoria, NY
33, Bisexual, She/Herfrom Ohio, lives in Astoria, NY
Married in September, 2021.

Rachelle: “We deserve the rights as everyone else. We deserve to take care of the person that we love and to be there for them and support them and to love them. It's all we want. It's literally all we want.”

Rachelle: “Everybody wants the same thing. All humans want the same damn thing. No matter what race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender. No matter who the hell you are, we all want to be loved. We all want to be safe and taken care of and to be healthy and happy. We all want the same thing! And it's just so frustrating that so many people want to take that away from people who are just different than them.”
“What has being married meant to you on a personal level, as a couple, and within your family? What would it mean to you if your right to stay married was stripped away?”

Dani: “I remember when like gay marriage was declared legal [...] because it was such a big moment and recognition that gay people are the same in a lot of ways. [...] We still love each other in the same way that straight couples love each other.”

Dani: “Of course it's great to be married for us because it really affirms our love for each other and commitment to each other. There's that level of it. And there is like a much larger scale of if gay marriage was to be repealed, how much that is just going to empower bigots to just be like, their relationship is not real.”